Hello everyone!
I have a male cardisoma armatum and I want to ask you which plants I can put at the land part of his tank
that will not be poisonous for him, if he eats them!!
Thank you very much!
P.S. Forgive me for my english but I am from Greece :-)
is it possible that you show us a picture from your tank?
and can you tell us - what do you feet at the moment?
the Problem with most plants is not, that they are poison - but they get
things to grow better an this things are often poisen - therefore we declare that
evry plant has to be separatet from its soil and
has t o be caped for 2 Weeks in an daily changed watertank
Liebe Grüße Knut
"Wenn ein Mensch nichts gefunden hat, wofür er sterben würde, eignet er sich nicht zum Leben."
Martin Luther King
Then, for possible species, generally everything goes what is not poison – although Cardisoma don't feed often on plants in their tanks. But often they destroy them and dig their burrows beneath the plants.
Some possible plants You find in our list: http://www.panzerwelten.de/forum/thread-1602.html Yet it is in German but the species names are given with the precise latin names so You can find the right plants too.
As for Your english: None of us is perfect and You are very good to understand.
Maat et joot, 'ne schöne Jrooß un bess demnähx, Ollie (vorher BEASTIE bzw. BEASTIEPENDENT)
Krabben und andere Crustaceen (Krebstiere),
Muscheln, Schnecken und Zwergkrallenfrösche, Minidrachen (Zwergbartagamen + Hausgeckos) und Schlangen in rund 30 Becken
Thank you very much for your responses!
I have my crab for about a year now, and I feed him bloodworms, turtle pellets, tomato, lettuce, banana, apple and other stuff.
I'll post a photo soon because I just moved him to a new 1meter long tank and I haven't finished it yet! But I might post photos this evening of how it is now. I also bought 3 plants and I'm going to put them in water for some days as it says in that thread you told me.
Danke schoen for your help!!!
I hope you can see the photos I posted because I can't...So if you do this is my crab's tank at the moment, waiting for my new water part to arrive and the plants to get cleaned.
these are the plants I bought, 2 bromeliads and another one I don't know the english name!
I know it's irrelevant to my post, but I thought it would be nice to post pics pf my other tanks too!
these are my 3 turtles
these are my 3 newts
and these are my dwarf puffer fish
I have another one with african dwarf frogs but couldn't take a pic now!
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