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Thursday, 10. February 2011, 4:45
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: Thursday, 10. February 2011, 4:46 von Tupinambis.)
Hello everyone!
There's a particular species of crab that I have been interested in for about 2 years now. The website will soon have the crab Cardisoma quantami (or "Giant Satanic Graveyard Robber Crab") available (estimated March).
I never got one before because it was extremely expensive and I couldn't care for an animal that large beyond a blue land crab that I also bought from him (Cardisoma guanhumi) named "Mister Bubbles" (Bioshock reference). I had that crab for almost a year but he passed away; I made the tragic miscalculation of leaving him alone with food and water at college over spring break [one week]. Apparently that water wasn't enough!
After that crab I gave up on crustaceans and opted for a baby Tegu named Taco. I love him very, very much! but he's hibernating now and I'm going into pet withdrawal
My question to all of you is; have any of you heard of this species or seen anything like it? Whenever I google Cardisoma quantami all I get are postings from the seller advertising it. I'm not even sure if it is a real scientific name. Also, how would you personally keep this animal if it were offered to you? The owner recommends a setup similar to any other large Cardisoma crabs (armatum, guanhumi). I'm currently planning a terrestrial reptile-type set up with two water bowls (one fresh, one salty. Yes I know not to use table salt), a food bowl, a place to hide, and decorations. Taco is currently living in a 40 gallon breeder and will probably outgrow it next winter; the crab can take over that enclosure once that happens. I'm asking you guys first though because I apparently did something wrong the first time, and I cant be 100% sure that dessication was the actual cause of death or some other unknown factor.
Thanks for your help!
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Thursday, 10. February 2011, 7:32
Welcome to the Panzerwelten-Forum
As far as I can see the scientific name is probably not valid. I know of these species in Cardisoma:
Cardisoma armatum
Cardisoma carnifex
Cardisoma crassum
Cardisoma guanhumi
But maybe Moni + Ollie can verify that.
The english name is rather horrible too by the way. I see that american dealer are as idiotic with creating names as german ones
I have no idea why your cardisoma died. How much water did you leave him and how did the tank look like? Was the water gone when you returned? We need a few more informations to be able to guess what caused its death.
The 40 Gallon Tank: Can you please give us the measurements (if possible in cm *g*)
Your new crab will be adapted to Landlife, but it still may need to sit - fully covered - in water when it comes to molting. At least thats the case with cardisoma armatum. I would guess bowls are not big enough for that.
If the crab is 15cm in width (just the carapaxe), then it will have a wingspan of 45-50 cm! You will need a big tank for this species, at least 150cm x 50x 50. And I wouldnt be too sure that that will be big enough until the end of his lifespan.
Hans-Jürgen Günter
aka Püffi
Ihr sucht ein Buch über Krabben? Hier ist es:
Die Krabbenfibel, Von Monika Rademacher & Ollie Mengedoht, erschienen im Dähne Verlag
----------- hat für immer geschlossen. Die Landzonen gibt es weiterhin hier:
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Registriert seit: Dec 2007
Thursday, 10. February 2011, 9:10
Hi Tupinambis,
there IS no Cardisoma quantami *lol*, funny name. That seller has good fantasy and whants to be paid for that obviously. ![Icon_mrgreen Icon_mrgreen]( What You pictured here seems to be Gecarcinus ruricola. From where shall the crab come from (or at least, in which country does the seller reside)?
Maat et joot, 'ne schöne Jrooß un bess demnähx, Ollie (vorher BEASTIE bzw. BEASTIEPENDENT)
Krabben und andere Crustaceen (Krebstiere),
Muscheln, Schnecken und Zwergkrallenfrösche, Minidrachen (Zwergbartagamen + Hausgeckos) und Schlangen in rund 30 Becken
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Registriert seit: Feb 2011
Thursday, 10. February 2011, 17:47
Thank you all for your quick replies!
The "40gallon breeder" is 91cm x 45cm in floor dimensions. Now suddenly realizing how big that crab gets though, I have concluded that this too can only be a temporary enclosure. It was supposed to only be temporary for the C. guanhumi, and just now I realize that this new crab gets almost as large! Fortunately when I buy him he should be quite small.
The water bowls I offered to the C. guanhumi were meant for big dogs and were large enough for him to completely submerge in. Sometimes I would find him soaking in there with his eyes poking out like a crocodile. Oh, and yes the water bowl was empty but wasn't completely dry when I came back.
Also, I'm not sure if this is Gecarcinus ruricola, at least not a normal one anyway. Color seems very unique. Here are a few more pics.
These crabs are imported from Barbados, but the seller lives in the US. He is very reputable among the invertebrate community and seems to be well known among those who keep tarantulas.
Thank you again!
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Registriert seit: Dec 2007
Thursday, 10. February 2011, 18:15
At least Barbados would fit since ruricola only is abundant on the islands, not on the main land. "Black land crab" would fit too.
Yes, 10 cm Carapace width is recorded at the least, and You have to add some 20 cm for the walking legs so Your tank would indeed be sufficient for some time, but not forever. He surely will search his humidity in the bowl when the substrate You keep him on is that dry as it looks on the photos. Don't get me wrong, that is okay. They need high humidity but if they can get water this way it is okay either although they can drown – but only over longer times like 10 hours or so, not within minutes.
Else it might well be a Johngarthia (same family, other genus), but only J. lagostoma has a similiar coloration but AFAIK on Barbados is J. weileri which is colored very differently.
Maat et joot, 'ne schöne Jrooß un bess demnähx, Ollie (vorher BEASTIE bzw. BEASTIEPENDENT)
Krabben und andere Crustaceen (Krebstiere),
Muscheln, Schnecken und Zwergkrallenfrösche, Minidrachen (Zwergbartagamen + Hausgeckos) und Schlangen in rund 30 Becken
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Themen: 3
Registriert seit: Feb 2011
Friday, 11. February 2011, 4:31
Thank you all for your feedback!
I decided to reserve a juvenile from the seller for $45. It is expected to come some time in March, when it does I'll be sure to post pictures!
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Registriert seit: Feb 2011
Friday, 25. February 2011, 16:08
Hey Tupi,
beautiful crab! But seems to get quite huge ![Icon_eek Icon_eek]( . Even if the carapax is 10cm at the moment, I still won't let him recide in a cube under 2 Meters length. In my opinion a tank like that would be to small..
Do you know the size of the carapax at the moment you get it?
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Registriert seit: Feb 2011
Friday, 25. February 2011, 18:42
hallo tupi
it´s a very nice crab.Is the crab a man or a woman ?
Do you buy the crab in the internet or in UK / USA ?
a friend of my brother would like to buy the crab because he find the crab nice .
ciao philipp
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Registriert seit: Feb 2011
Saturday, 26. February 2011, 1:52
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: Saturday, 26. February 2011, 1:52 von Tupinambis.)
Hey everyone!
I bought him from
He is a dealer in the USA, but I think he can ship overseas. You'd have to get into contact with him first.
That's the order sheet.
I ordered a "juvenile". I'm not entirely sure how big he's gonna be when I first get him, but when I do (some time late March or early April) I'll be sure to let you guys know and upload pictures!
He also sells Cardisoma guanhumi
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Registriert seit: Feb 2011
Saturday, 26. February 2011, 15:24
(Friday, 25. February 2011, 18:42)cherax99 schrieb: hallo tupi
it´s a very nice crab.Is the crab a man or a woman ?
Do you buy the crab in the internet or in UK / USA ?
a friend of my brother would like to buy the crab because he find the crab nice .
ciao philipp
Irgendwie werde ich der Sache langsam müde.. bin ich da der einzige?
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Wednesday, 28. December 2011, 15:28
Hallo Ihr lieben
Ich hole das mal wieder aus der Versenkung._Mir würden diese Tiere sehr gut gefallen,wißt oder seit ihr euch schon einig geworden, welche Art es jetzt nun ist? Wenn ja hält man die einzeln oder in Gruppen? Wenn ja in Gruppen zu wievielen Tieren? Könnte es eventuell die Art Discoplax hirtipes sein?
So als Leie fand ich das sehr ähnlich.Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen
Liebe Grüße Sylvia
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Thursday, 29. December 2011, 13:42
Hallo Sylvia, die Tiere auf den Fotos oben? Das sind wie beschrieben Gecarcinus ruricola. Unseres Wissens noch nie hier importiert. Nur ein aus Versehen im Strandspielzeug mitgebrachtes Baby hat mal acht Jahre bei einem Jungen hier gelebt.
Zur Haltung generell sollten unsere Artensteckbriefe zu den beiden anderen Gecarcinus-Arten einen guten Anhalt geben. Die sollten ähnlich sein.
Maat et joot, 'ne schöne Jrooß un bess demnähx, Ollie (vorher BEASTIE bzw. BEASTIEPENDENT)
Krabben und andere Crustaceen (Krebstiere),
Muscheln, Schnecken und Zwergkrallenfrösche, Minidrachen (Zwergbartagamen + Hausgeckos) und Schlangen in rund 30 Becken
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Registriert seit: Dec 2011
Thursday, 29. December 2011, 14:14
Hallo Basti
Irgentwie komme hier durcheinander. Ich habe jetzt schon zweimal geantwortet und irgentwie kommt der Beitrag nicht rein. Auf ein neues.
Ich habe die Tiere angeboten bekommen und meine Bekannte will nicht sahgen woher sie sie hat,kann mir aber auch nicht den richtigen Namen nennen. Meinst du es kommt hin das es die ist?
Lg Sylvia
Beiträge: 6.134
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Registriert seit: Dec 2007
Thursday, 29. December 2011, 17:04
Hm, die einzigen, die Fundorte nicht preisgeben wollen, sind Fänger von neuen, unbekannten, farbenfrohen Arten, die Angst haben, dass andere Exporteure ihnen dann die Tiere dort wegschnappen. Gecarcinus ruricola ist auf den Karibischen Inseln weitverbreitet und läuft in Massenwanderungen zum Ablaichen zu den Stränden, da gibt es also nichts zu verheimlichen. Seltsam. Anyway: Beides ist G. ruricola.
Maat et joot, 'ne schöne Jrooß un bess demnähx, Ollie (vorher BEASTIE bzw. BEASTIEPENDENT)
Krabben und andere Crustaceen (Krebstiere),
Muscheln, Schnecken und Zwergkrallenfrösche, Minidrachen (Zwergbartagamen + Hausgeckos) und Schlangen in rund 30 Becken
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Registriert seit: Feb 2011
Friday, 27. January 2012, 20:28
Okay, it has been a long time but I have an update for everyone!
I did not end up getting the crab for a couple of reasons: 1. The seller was having a lot of issues getting the big guy out of Barbados, and 2. I decided that it would be far too difficult to care for both a large land crab AND an adult Tegu while I'm still in college. So I cancelled my order and got a refund
Also, It has been confirmed that this species is Gecarcinus ruricola.
I will be making a new thread about my possible plans for the future though