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The banded boxer shrimp is widely spread in tropical seas and isn´t much sensible in regard of wazer quality. The scientific name is Stenopus hispidus, what means thin leg with bristles. They don´t belong to the true shrimps (Caridea) but form an own suborder, the Pleocyemata, which belongs tofether with true crays and shrimps to the order of Decapoda. The big claws are the thrid pair of legs (crays: the first. shrumps the second)
In petshop you´ll see most singles in the tanks, because two of the same sex will fight to death. But a couple stucks more together than only for reproduction. If the male finds something to eat, it offers it to the female. They are mating regularly, and often one can see the clum of eggs under the abdomen and again the yellow-greenish eggs inside..The colour of eggs is of a light toquoise, later changing to yellowish an grey. But there is nearly no chance to educate the larvae. They need deep water (more than one and a half meter), they are aspired by filters, and also food is a problem.

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natura magister artium
hallo wolfgang,
toller steckbrief, das wesentliche hast du ja schon alles erwähnt, ich hätte noch zwei kleinigkeiten hinzuzufügen.
als erstes putzen sie auch gelegentlich fische. im meer regelmäßig, im aquarium eher selten. werden wohl faul mit der zeit.
zum zweiten sind sie auch eine gute waffe gegen übermäßigen borstenwurmbestand. der borstenwurm steht durchaus regelmäßig auf dem speiseplan. sowie einer erspäht wurde wird er gefressen. konnte beides schon selbst beobachten...mehrfach.
ps: tolle bilder!!!!
salü michel

The female of my boxer shrimps had eggs for the second time. The last three days I was expecting her to release the fry, because the colour had changed to a yellowish grey and some eggs or zoeas were hanging outside the clum. But today I saw, that she had moulted and the eggs still were hanging at the exuvia. I put both into a glass with water from the tank and watched it under a microscope. There were either completly developped zoeas and eggs in a progressiv status of development. But all were dead. The only movement I could see, was that of nematoda.

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natura magister artium
Quite along tail those zoea. Strange they died so fast – but maybe that's why the female moulted, because the larvae were all dead already.
Maat et joot, 'ne schöne Jrooß un bess demnähx, Ollie (vorher BEASTIE bzw. BEASTIEPENDENT)

[Bild: pw-mangroven7_312px.jpg] 
Krabben und andere Crustaceen (Krebstiere),
Muscheln, Schnecken und Zwergkrallenfrösche, Minidrachen (Zwergbartagamen + Hausgeckos) und Schlangen in rund 30 Becken
I think so, too. Few days before one could see, that some eggs or larvae? were hanging beneath the clum. Therefore I thought, the female would be releasing the fry, but now I think there was another reason.

natura magister artium

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